Mr.Manas Bhattachrjee

Schooling: Don Bosco high school (ISC) in Kolkata

Bachelor Education: B.Tech / M.Tech (Mechanical)

College: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Kanpur

Highest Education: M.B.A (Marketing & Finances)

Institution: Stanford University in USA

Occupation: Finance Analyst

Occupation in Detail: Goldman Sachs (Headquarters) in West St, New York

Mr.Samrat Chatterjee

Schooling: Kendriya Vidyalaya School (10+2) Kolkata and Mumbai

Education: B.Tech in Electronics & Telecommunications from Mumbai University

Masters Education: Robotics Engineering Degree from IIT (BHU).

Others: Ph.D. Research from Oregon State University.

Occupation: Electronic and Robotics Engineer

Occupation in Detail: Associate project head of Electronic testing and designing as Robotics Engineer

Employed in: Boston Dynamics

Mr.Debdoot Banerjee

Schooling:Kendriya Vidyalaya (CBSE)

Bachelor Degree: B.E (Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician)

College: Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) in Kanpur

Master Degree: M.Eng (Automotive Engineering)-Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) in Madras

Highest Degree: MBA(Project Management)

Institute: Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts,USA

Occupation: Senior Manager

Name of Organization: Jaguar Land Rover in Mahwah, New Jersey,USA

Mr.Jeet Mukherjee

Schooling:The Doon school in Dehradun

Bachelor Degree: B.E (Computer Science)

College: Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) in Madras

Master Degree: M.Eng (Computer Science)-Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) in Bombay

Highest Degree: MBA(Business Management & Marketing)

Institute: London Business School in London, England,UK

Occupation: Business Analyst

Occupation in Detail: ABN AMRO (ABN AMRO Group) in New York,USA

Mr.Prince Banerjee

Name of School: - St. Thomas School for Boys’

Graduation Degree: - B.Tech (Computer Software Engineering)

Name of College: Indian Institute of Technology(IIT)- (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi

Master’s Degree: M.S (Computer Engineering )

Institute: Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado

Occupation: Senior Software Engineer, Infrastructure

Name of Organization: Facebook in boston, United States

Mr.Soumyojyoti Ganguly

Education: M.Tech & Ph.D.

Education in Detail: He has completed His Standard X & Standard XII from The Doon School in Dehradun. He has completed his B.Tech and MS/M.Tech from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) In USA. And Completed PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) in Atlanta, Georgia.

Occupation: Chief Diversity Officer

Occupation in Detail: Virginia Tech in New York,USA

Mr.Soumen Chakraborty

Schooling: Don Bosco school park circus

College: IIT, BHU

Graduation Degree:B.S

PG College: University of Maryland, College Park

PG Degree: M.S.(Engineering)

Other PG Degree: Ph.D Mechanical Engineering

Work Status: Employed

Occupation: senior engineer at Boeing

Name of Organization: Boeing (Aerospace) in Hawthorne, California

Mr.Arko Chatterjee

Schooling: Senior Secondary (12std) - Indian School Muscat in Mascat, Oman

Education: B.Tech

College / Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology .Atlanta USA

Masters Education: M.Tech

Institution in Detail in Detail: Georgia

Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

Occupation in Detail: Bank of America

Corporation (USA)

Mr.Rudhro Mukherjee


Education in Detail:MS.(Eng) - University of California, Berkeley /BE -Princeton University

College / Institution: The Wharton School

Additional Degree:B.Eng

Employed in: Private Sector

Occupation: Software Professional

Occupation in Detail: JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Mr.Shashwat Bhattacharya

Education: M.S.(Engg.)

Institution: Technische Universität München (TUM) Germany

Education in Detail: Power Engineering

Employed in: Government/PSU

Occupation: Research Scholar

Occupation in Detail: Pursuing PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Mr.Abir sanyal

B E (Electrical Engineering) from University of California, Berkeley (UCB).

There after accomplishes his Ms University of Michigan & MBA from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Employed in-Private Sector

Occupation- corporate finance profession.

Occupation in Detail- American Express In New york

Mr.Sayan Mozumdar

School Name: St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Park Street

UG Degree: B.E/B.Tech

UG College: National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur

Master Education: MS (Engineering.)

PG College: Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur

Highest Education: MBA/PGDM

Institution: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York

Occupation: Principal Analyst, Data Analytics

Occupation in Detail: Capital One in Washington, D.C

Mr.A Chowdhury

Schooling: 12th : St Xavier's School, Durgapur

Bachelor Education: B.E/B.Tech

College: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Masters Education: MBA/PGDM

Institute: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Occupation: Treasury Professional with one of the leading Oil and Gas majors

Mr.A Chowdhury

Bachelor Education: BE (Computer Science)

College: Jaypee University in India

Masters Education: MBA (Management Information Systems)

Institute: University of Illinois in the USA

Occupation: Senior Consultant

Occupation in Detail: Ernst & Young.


Bachelor Education: B.Tech

College: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

Masters Education:M.S - MIT in USA

Highest Education: Ph.D

Institute: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Post Doctoral - USA

Mr.Nabarun Bhowmick

Education: M.Tech.

College / Institution: IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology (IITB)

Education in Detail: Masters in Design (IIT Bombay)

Employed in: Private Sector

Occupation: Designer - IT & Engineering

Occupation in Detail: Industrial Designer